Base Oils

Base oils are used to manufacture products including lubricating greases, motor oil and metal processing fluids. Different products require different compositions and properties in the oil. One of the most important factors is the liquid’s viscosity at various temperatures.

Group I consists of conventional petroleum base oils. API defines group I as “base stocks contain less than 90 percent saturates and/or greater than 0.03 percent sulfur and have a viscosity index greater than or equal to 80 and less than 120”.

Group II are base stocks contain greater than or equal to 90 percent saturates and less than or equal to 0.03 percent sulfur and have a viscosity index greater than or equal to 80 and less than 120″.

Group III are base stocks contain greater than or equal to 90 percent saturates and less than or equal to 0.03 percent sulfur and have a viscosity index greater than or equal to 120″. This group may be described as Synthetic Technology oils or Hydro-Cracked Synthetic oil. However, some oil companies may call their products under this group as synthetic oil.

Group IV consists of synthetic oils made of Poly-alpha-olefins. PAO oils are much more stable in extreme temperatures, which make much more suitable for use in very cold weather as well as very hot weather.

Group V are any type of base oil other than mentioned in the previously defined groups. They include, among others, naphthenic oils and esters.

Base Oil SN150

PropertiesUnitMin.TypicalMax.Test Method
Kinematic Viscosity @40°CcSt38ASTM D 445
Kinematic Viscosity @100°CcSt4.65.6ASTM D 445
Viscosity Index100ASTM D 2270
Flash Point (COC)°C190ASTM D 92
Pour Point°C-6ASTM D 97
CCR%Wt0.06ASTM D 189
Total AciditymgKOH/g0.05ASTM D 664
DemulsibilityPassASTM D 1401
Sulfur Content%Wt0.150.6ASTM D 1552
Color0.51ASTM D 1500
Density @15°Ckg/m³875ASTM D 1298
Copper Corrosion, 3 hrs @100°C1AASTM D 130
FoammlNilASTM D 892

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Base Oil SN350

PropertiesUnitMin.TypicalMax.Test Method
Kinematic Viscosity @40°CcSt75ASTM D 445
Kinematic Viscosity @100°CcSt8.39.3ASTM D 445
Viscosity Index95ASTM D 2270
Flash Point (COC)°C220ASTM D 92
Pour Point°C-6ASTM D 97
CCR%Wt0.06ASTM D 189
Total AciditymgKOH/g0.05ASTM D 664
DemulsibilityPassASTM D 1401
Sulfur Content%Wt0.150.6ASTM D 1552
Color21ASTM D 1500
Density @15°Ckg/m³880ASTM D 1298
Copper Corrosion, 3 hrs @100°C1AASTM D 130
FoammlNilASTM D 892

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Base Oil SN500

PropertiesUnitMin.TypicalMax.Test Method
Kinematic Viscosity @40°CcSt96ASTM D 445
Kinematic Viscosity @100°CcSt1011.5ASTM D 445
Viscosity Index95ASTM D 2270
Flash Point (COC)°C230ASTM D 92
Pour Point°C-6ASTM D 97
CCR%Wt0.080.15ASTM D 189
Total AciditymgKOH/g0.05ASTM D 664
DemulsibilityPassASTM D 1401
Sulfur Content%Wt0.7ASTM D 1552
Color2.5ASTM D 1500
Density @15°Ckg/m³885ASTM D 1298
Copper Corrosion, 3 hrs@100°CNilASTM D 130
FoammlNilASTM D 892

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Base Oil SN600

Sp. Gr. @15.5°C0.8850-0.8950
Color3.0 Max
Pour Point°C(-3) Max
Flash Point°C225 min
Kinematic Viscosity @40°CcStTo be reported
Kinematic Viscosity @100°CcSt12.5 – 13.5
Viscosity Index90 min